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My  philosophy

My  philosophy

Every person is born with a sense of (a) his/her and (b) the world's essential qualities and (c) the basic situation of (a) within (b). These insights together can produce values and fundamental meaning for a Good Life.

But today this is so often submerged beneath a scramble for material profit (cf. environmental pollution, global warming). 

 I aim to plumb my "nature sense" and bring the essence of my subjects vividly to life, as they first appear (to children). 

"Now let me ask you something"(Tom Jones): As readers, do you find what you seek in/identify with contemporary poetry? And if so what and where? 

As writers, what's your most important message? Do you feel that seeking profit and fame is compatible with the philosophy above? [Then please tell me how!] 


What a situation now for my type of writer!

* Poetry mag. and creative writing course Fuhrers scream: "Shock me! Thrill me! Be clever!";

*  Form often seems more important than content;

* Competition has reached Mafia level;

* Women's Libbers have hijacked poetry to spread the gospel. Should we men take female pen names? (don't think Priscilla would suit me);

* You can't just write any more: you need an IT degree to produce your stuff;

* You need to be a super-salesman too;

* AI robots may soon consign us all to Dodo-land.

All of which works against my mission to get back to the essence of things and discuss them from there whilst preserving the power and elegance of the English language.

I'd love to know what you think: please get in touch!

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